Monday, October 24, 2005

1) Name of the exercise - QUIZ MODULES
A)Accept or Except Practice
B)Comma vs. Semicolon in Compound Sentences: Exercise
C)Sentence Fragments: Exercise 1

2) How you did on the exercise
A)Choose one topic I am interested in
B)Fill my answer in the blank column
C)Review the wrong answers and figure out my weakness
D)However, there is some problem with the Practice Exercise. After completing my answers, I tried to check my answers. The following messege appeared:' We're sorry, this quiz module is no longer functional. The OWL Staff is aware of this problem, and is working on a new solution, which will be available sometime in 2006 as part of the new OWL site at For those curious as to the problem: our old quiz modules posed security problems to the OWL server, and had to be shut down. We apologize for any inconvenience."

3) Would you suggest it to other learners at your level?
Of course I would suggest the PURDUE OWL to other learners because the PURDUE OWL full of all kinds of writing materials. Furtheremore, it helps to solve alomst all the writing questions I have. PURDUE OWL is really helpful~

4) Overall comments about the exercise and the OWL...
The practice added some funny elements into our study. Those practices really increase the studying motivation and students will really benefit fron those practical examples.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A company is announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that it is good for a company to build a large factory near your community. But others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I oppose to build a factory near my community. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

The main reason for my position is that factories might cause not only air pollution but also noise pollution. A good example may be found in the case that in the industrial part, thousands of cars gather in the area every day; thus, the smoke emitted by the cars caused the severe air pollution. Furthermore, the noise resulted from the operation of factories also affects the living quality of the residents. Therefore, it is obvious that building a factory near my community is not a wise decision.

Another reason why I opposed to build a factory near my community is that if a factory build in my community, it will cause the traffic jam every day. The more cars we have in our community, the more danger we have in our daily life. For living a better life, I strongly opposed to have a factory near my community.

Moreover, the waste water is also a serous problem need to be handled with care. It is inevitable for a factory to discharge the waster water; however, the facility to solve the problem related to the waste water cost a lot; thus, whether the factory near my community settle the waste water problem well will influence the environmental quality of my community. Thus, I believe that lest the factory provides the concrete plan to solve the problem, residents should not agree to build a factory near our community.

In sum, there is no denying that building a factory will boost the prosperity near my community. However, if the problems accompanying with the factory existence such as the air pollution, the noise pollution, the traffic safety and the waste water can not be solved properly, we will have the prosperity at the cost of our health and living security. Therefore, I disagree to build a factory near my community.
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons or examples to support your answer.

From my point of view, food is to people what oil is to cars. Therefore, if food has become easier to prepare in daily life, people will live a better life for sure. Just like the car with better-qualified oil will maximize its ability. The following two viewpoints are the advantages contributed by the easily-prepared food and how easily-prepared food improve people live.

First of all, an old English proverb goes, "Time is money." Food is second to none in our daily life. Without food, people will do everything withoug energy. If people have to spend a lot of time preparing food, this will waste much time for people to do something more important and helpful. For example, thanks to the special breakfast culture in Taiwan, people can find breakfast stores everywhere and the convenient stores are also easy to find as well. Thus, people save great time not to prepare breakfast and have more time to concentrate on studies or works. If people are in rush, they also can go into the convenient stores to get themselves some fast food in couples of minutes. This also help people without enought time to look for food find the shortcut to solve the pain from starving.

In addition to the first advantage, time saving, mentioned in the first paragraph, the second advantage of easily-prepared food is to improve the life quality. With the development of food, more and more food is on the shelf for people to make a choice. For instance, the fast food, microwave food, instand food ,and so on. The more choices people have the more pleasure people have while they are in the meal time every day. People will not suffer from the rutine and unchangable food and they have more chance to decide what to eat and how to eat. The above will make people live happier and upgrade the live quality afterall.

In conclusion, since food has become easy to prepare, people will concentrate on some thing more important rather than waste too much time preparing food; furthermore,people could have more choices for food so that people will live a more splendid life. Thus, the easily-prepared food really improve the way people live.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons or examples to support your answer.

From my point of view, I totally agree that parents are the best teachers. Before children enter school or children attend school already, Parents are kind of the best teachers. Here are my reasons.

First of all, from the moment everyone came to the world, parents are those who cherish their children most and provide their children ther unselfish love. Almost most part of one’s character is cultivated in the childhood, the period parents cast the most influence on children. Thus, the ability to absorb knowledge before children attending school most account on parents.

In addition to the concept mentioned in the first paragraph, even children are old enough to go to school, parents still play the very important roles as teachers. The school teachers only help children part of the school study, the positive development of children’s personality and the mental support are most based on partents efforts. Furthermore, in school teachers have to handle tens of students at the same time; how to maintain a good learing environment for each student is also important. Parents thus can play the roles of teachers to complement the shortage.

In conlusion, although parents are not the real teachers like those we generally regarded as teachers, the roles parents play are no less important than the school teacher do. Parents not only teach children the knowledge from books, but also provide their care in children’s daily life. Thus, I think parents are the best teachers for children.