Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons or examples to support your answer.

From my point of view, I totally agree that parents are the best teachers. Before children enter school or children attend school already, Parents are kind of the best teachers. Here are my reasons.

First of all, from the moment everyone came to the world, parents are those who cherish their children most and provide their children ther unselfish love. Almost most part of one’s character is cultivated in the childhood, the period parents cast the most influence on children. Thus, the ability to absorb knowledge before children attending school most account on parents.

In addition to the concept mentioned in the first paragraph, even children are old enough to go to school, parents still play the very important roles as teachers. The school teachers only help children part of the school study, the positive development of children’s personality and the mental support are most based on partents efforts. Furthermore, in school teachers have to handle tens of students at the same time; how to maintain a good learing environment for each student is also important. Parents thus can play the roles of teachers to complement the shortage.

In conlusion, although parents are not the real teachers like those we generally regarded as teachers, the roles parents play are no less important than the school teacher do. Parents not only teach children the knowledge from books, but also provide their care in children’s daily life. Thus, I think parents are the best teachers for children.

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