Monday, October 24, 2005

1) Name of the exercise - QUIZ MODULES
A)Accept or Except Practice
B)Comma vs. Semicolon in Compound Sentences: Exercise
C)Sentence Fragments: Exercise 1

2) How you did on the exercise
A)Choose one topic I am interested in
B)Fill my answer in the blank column
C)Review the wrong answers and figure out my weakness
D)However, there is some problem with the Practice Exercise. After completing my answers, I tried to check my answers. The following messege appeared:' We're sorry, this quiz module is no longer functional. The OWL Staff is aware of this problem, and is working on a new solution, which will be available sometime in 2006 as part of the new OWL site at For those curious as to the problem: our old quiz modules posed security problems to the OWL server, and had to be shut down. We apologize for any inconvenience."

3) Would you suggest it to other learners at your level?
Of course I would suggest the PURDUE OWL to other learners because the PURDUE OWL full of all kinds of writing materials. Furtheremore, it helps to solve alomst all the writing questions I have. PURDUE OWL is really helpful~

4) Overall comments about the exercise and the OWL...
The practice added some funny elements into our study. Those practices really increase the studying motivation and students will really benefit fron those practical examples.

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