Monday, December 12, 2005

“Too many people think only about getting results. The key to success, however, is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results.”
What do you think this piece of advice means, and do you think that it is, on the whole, worth following? Support your views with reasons and/or examples drawn from your own experience, observations, or reading.

Views differ greatly when it come to the question of whether the key to success is to focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results. While a fair proportion of people believe that the results are second to none, other people argue that the process is much more instrumental. Of the countless reasons, from my point of view, I side with the latter one and I will present my conspicuous and consequential ones as follows.

The first plain truth, I am presenting here, is that result is not equal to success which is composed of every part of endeavor then result comes out. To take a factory as am example, if products stand for the result, without the operation of machines and sweat of labors, products won’t be manufactured successfully. Result is just the symbol of the success for whole procedure process. But for the painstaking process, result won’t be revealed.

In addition, behind my opinion mentioned above lies the fact that by focusing on the immediate tasks on hand, a worker not only can complete the task successfully, but also can work out a method for improving the system. The method might complete the task more quickly and ensure the quality of the task. For example, when a worker is encouraged to focus on the task on hand, rather than constantly worrying about the end product, he is much more likely to work more efficiently. Furthermore, his expert knowledge of that specific work will often result in inventing a new and improved method of production. This method will, of course, improve the efficiency and profitability of the company.

Admittedly, it may be true that with a successful result, the whole series of working process is meaningless. However, according to the reasons I presented above, I find the advantages of process is far more important than those of result. Accordingly, I believe that we should focus on the specific task at hand and not to worry about results in most occasions.

In conclusion, due to the above-mentioned reasons, which show that the specific work at hand is the foundation of result and the advantage of focusing on the process, we could safely reach to the conclusion that the individual worker is allowed and in fact encouraged to concentrate on his own specific work. This will eventually lead to a better product.

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